Category: Routes

The South Peak Saunter

Away from the traditional honeypot locations, the southern part of the Peak District is often overlooked as a location. This route explores some of the pretty villages in the area. The ride starts at the popular Carsington water. The route steadily climbs giving good views of the reservoir and the end of the Pennine chain. […]

The Dragon’s Back

Chrome and Park Hills or the Dragon’s Back as they are sometimes known are a rocky limestone outcrop to the south of Buxton. This route explores this area and some of the surrounding villages. The route starts in Taddington, a village that was an important stop off point in the days of stage coaches, but […]

Outer Edge

One of the great things about living and working in Chesterfield is it’s proximity to the Peak District. It means if I’ve got a few hours to spare I can dip in and out of the park using some of the lesser known trails that are on its border. The route below is one of […]


The name of this route gets it’s inspiration from the daring raid that happened by the RAF in 1943 to breach some German dams. The 617 squadron practised their flying skills on the Derwent Dam in the Peak District. This is one of our tougher routes with some steep technical descents and hard climbs. If […]

The Road to the Peak.

The Peak District has been populated since neolithic times and is covered in ancient tracks. One of the oldest is the Portway which stretches from Mam Tor to the Trent. The route was in use until Medival times and it’s original line has been lost by both agriculture and development and the building of other […]


Hartington’s a lovely village nestled in the south western corner of the White Peak. It’s got picture postcard Georgian properties, a duck pond and most importantly for the likes of you and me a good selection of gnarmac on hand. This route explores to the south and east of the village. First heading off towards […]

The Imperial

100 miles is the cyclist’s marathon. It’s something than most riders have on their bucket list. Once completed there’s a sense of achievement that you’ve pushed your adventures by bicycle to another level. There is as usual, a bit of a caveat about how and where you popped your century cherry. A 100 miles on […]

Velotastic 300

We’ll make no apologies about this route. It’s long, it’s tough, in wet weather you’ll lose the will to live on it and it’s not for the faint hearted. 300 kilometres of prime Peak District tarmac, gnarmac, dirt and gravel. Ladies and Gentlemen this is the Velotastic 300. Ideally done over a couple of days […]


Gravel riding in Winter can be challenging finding a suitable route that does not end up being a mud-fest. It’s sometimes better to save some routes until it dries out, but that does not mean keeping the bike in the shed until Spring. This circuit is suitable for riding in the colder months. We’re not […]


This circuits a mix of quiet roads, gravel tracks, singletrack and bridleways. In places, and I’ll make no apologies for this, the climbs are tough but rewarding. Fave cafe stops on the route include Stamp in Ashover and Caudwell’s Mill cafe.